Tips for preparing for a road trip with kids

Road Trip Tips by: Katie Wittry

Everything you’ll need to prepare for your road trip with kids.


Map some stops on your route ahead of time

Make a list and check it twice

Label everything

Plan some road trip activities





Use packing cubes

Dashed Trail
Dashed Trail

Map some stops out ahead of time

Find some landmarks or attractions you want to visit along the way. This will help break up the trip and give everyone something to look forward to.


Dashed Trail
Terrain Map

I also figure out where we want to stop for the night ahead of time. 1. This gives us a goal for the day as to how far we will drive. 2. It also takes the stress away of trying to find a place to stay last minute especially during busy travel seasons. 3. If possible, I strategically try to find a hotel near a landmark or attraction we also want to visit. 

Make a list and check it twice

A week to two weeks before your trip, make a list of absolutely everything you will need for your trip.


Dashed Trail
Terrain Map

I leave my list sitting out a couple of weeks leading up to my trip.

Every time I think of something I want to bring, pack or remember, I add it to the list right away!

Doing this will decrease your stress and mental load.

It will also ensure that you don't forget anything.

Packing cubes

Packing cubes are life changing. They keep everything super tidy and organized.


Terrain Map

Packing cubes are extra helpful when making multiple overnight stops.

I label each person's packing cubes with the name of the hotel or place we are stopping.

This way if I don't want to bring in the entire suitcase for one night, I don't have to. I put those packing cubes in a separate bag or smaller suitcase.

label everything

Put everything in a specific bin, packing cube, bag, etc. and label each one.


Terrain Map

Benefits of labeling everything:

1. You know what items are in what bin or bag.

2. You can find things faster especially in the middle of a car ride.

3.  You can get someone else to find something because it is in a labeled spot.

4. Keeps everything tidy and organized. 

Plan some road trip activities

Some planned road trip activities will keep the kids from asking "are we there yet?" a million times or at least delay it. It will make the trip go smoother.


Terrain Map

Examples of Road Trip Activities:

1. Make each kid a binder of activities like word searches, iSpy, coloring pages, etc.

2. Give each kid a 9x6 notebook that they can write in.

3.  iPad or tablet with headphones

4. Make a family road trip playlist and let each person pick a few songs.

5.  Bring lots of snacks and water.

Dashed Trail

Want to learn more?

Road Trip Essentials with Kids